After two days of relentless heat, it's fair to say we've just experienced how the warmer world may look and feel.
It's not pleasant. Instead of blissful summer loveliness, we've had power cuts, wild fires, closed businesses, equipment failure, restrictions on movement, distressed animals and sleepless nights. And the experts say we've more to come. This is now our normality.
This is climate change 30 years sooner than predicted.

Who cares?
Although climate change has been a hot topic for many years, personally, I've seen a huge jump in the demand for 'eco friendly' since Covid struck. At the risk of giving away my age, the hot products at All is Good now, were seen as strictly for hippies 20 years ago. (Which pleases someone who's been banging on the climate change drum for that long).
Making a difference. Global warming is an exceptionally complex subject, involving many countries and cultures. I'm not even going to attempt to convince you that a few changes here and there will stop, even reverse, the damage. But I am going to try to convince you that every change you make WILL make a difference.
On our first week of opening we sold over 100 refill bottles of eco friendly hand soap. That's potentially 100 single use plastic bottles not bought. Of those 100 bottles, even if 50 bottles were refilled over and over, we've made significant dent in demand. Just think - if that's one week, in one much difference would a full year in 50 towns make? Enough to make a difference.... Of course we understand that the switch to living a greener life can be daunting. And done in one fell swoop - bloody expensive. So, that's why we always advise baby steps. When you run out of your washing up liquid, bring your plastic bottle and fill it with eco friendly wash up. When you finish your loo cleaner, bring that bottle...and so on. And don't forget, the products are GOOD. And concentrated. So will last longer.
Don't stop there....
Just one last word before we jump head first into the paddling pool.
Eco friendly packaging sometimes isn't that eco friendly. It's a whole other blog post, but for now maybe think about how you can re-use degradable / compostable items. Here's an example - we provide compostable bowls for our salad bar. People initially thought we'd lost our marbles when we asked them to keep re-using that bowl. A few months down the line, we've customers reporting over 15 re-uses. That's 14 less items of packaging...for one one town.....
All is Good refill oils, dried foods, jams, chutneys, body & household products, gin and wine.